Phlebology Refresher Course

The Phlebology Refresher course will be held in conjunction with the ACP Annual Scientific Meeting which will be held in Auckland on the 8 May 2021. The ASM will follow from the 9 - 11 May 2021.

The Phlebology Refresher Course is a 1-day intensive course on all aspects of the training curriculum of the Australasian College of Phlebology.

The course is aimed at:

-Those looking to apply for phlebology training and wanting to see what is involved in the college training program
-College trainees looking to supplement their knowledge of the training modules
-Those practising Phlebology looking to refresh their knowledge
-Members looking to undergo the College’s FARE knowledge exam
-International doctors looking to experience the College’s training
-Allied health professionals (sonographers, physiotherapists, nurses and practice managers) looking   for education in how Phlebology is practiced

For further information on the Phlebology Refresher Course proceed to the conference website here