Dr. Gabrielle McMullin

Dr. Gabrielle McMullin

Dr. Gabrielle McMullin

2007 Award of Excellence in Public Education and Research in Management of Leg Ulcers

Dr. Gabrielle McMullin is a consultant Vascular Surgeon with appointments at Sutherland and St. George Hospitals in Sydney. She is a conjoint Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales.

She was born in Uganda in 1956 but moved with her family to Hong Kong in 1961 and completed her school years there. She graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland in 1980 and subsequently worked in New Zealand, Hong Kong and London before emigrating to Australia. She is a Fellow of both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal Australasian College of Sugeons and is a mentor for young women in surgical training.

She developed a strong interest in chronic leg ulcers during 2 years of research at The Middlesex Hospital in London and was awarded a Masters degree in Surgery for this work. She maintains a strong interest in wound healing and has both published and lectured widely on the subject.