Dr. Rodney J. Lane

Dr. Rodney J. Lane

Dr. Rodney J. Lane

2007 Award of Excellence in Industrial Design and Engineering in Phlebology

Dr Rodney Lane is the Senior Vascular Surgeon at Royal North Shore Hospital, and Dalcross Private Hospital in Sydney. Dr Lane has been involved in numerous vascular research projects of the past 25 years, with the majority focusing on novel treatments for venous disease.


Bachelor of Surgery. Bachelor of Medicine (MBBS); University of Sydney, 1971
Master of Surgery, Title: “Intra operative Ultrasonic Imaging”; University of Sydney 1982
Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound DDU 1982
Master of Biomedical Engineering (M.BiomedE), Thesis: “Transfemoral Aortic Endoprostheses”; University of NSW, 1992
Doctor of Medicine (MD). Thesis: “The correction of Pathological Venous valves with the Venocuff”; University of Sydney, 1992