Dr Albert Adrien Ramelet (SWITZERLAND)

Dr Albert Adrien Ramelet (SWITZERLAND)

Dr Albert Adrien Ramelet (SWITZERLAND)

2011 Award of Excellence for Pioneering Innovations in Phlebology

Dr Albert Adrien Ramelet is a Phlebologist and Dermatologist, from Lausanne, Switzerland. He is a specialist in dermatology and vascular medicine (angiology) and a consultant and lecturer at Inselspital, University of Bern. His special areas of interest and expertise within phlebology include phlebectomy where he has designed a phlebectomy instrument that is used world wide but also is a world expert in venoactive drugs and compression and facial dermatoses. He is Past President of the French-Speaking Dermatologists Association, Past President of the Swiss Society of Dermatology, Past President of the Swiss Society of Phlebology, Past President of the Union of Swiss Vascular Societies, and Past Vice-President of the UIP. He is also on the Editorial Board of 7 journal publications. He has written 4 books and published 150 book chapters and scientific publications.