A/Professor Robert Medcalf (VIC)

A/Professor Robert Medcalf (VIC)

A/Professor Robert Medcalf (VIC)

2011 Award of Excellence for Basic Science Research in Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis

A/Prof. Robert Medcalf is an Associate Professor who was awarded his Ph.D. from the University of Melbourne in 1984. His first post-doctoral appointment was at the University of Melbourne where he investigated the role of the plasminogen activating system in rheumatoid arthritis. In 1986, he was invited to Lausanne, Switzerland where he extended his interest in the field of plasminogen activation and fibrinolysis. In 1993, he returned to Australia and was awarded a R.D Wright Fellowship at Monash University. He was elected as Chairman of the International Society on Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis in 2004 and again in 2006. He is a current Associate Editor of the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis and on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.